6 Strategies for Engaging Your Network in Individual Fundraising

6 Strategies for Engaging Your Network in Individual Fundraising

Do you want to come up with ways that will actually bring your network on board for individual fund-raising? Whether it’s for a personal cause, a non-profit, or a community project, you’ll want strategies that work.

In this blog post, we’ll look at seven unique and proven strategies that can help you rally support, boost participation, and smash your fund-raising goals.

From storytelling workshops to collaborative art projects, we explore innovative ideas that will capture the interest of your audience – and encourage them to get involved.

So, if you’re looking to take your individual fund-raising efforts up a gear – read on!

Storytelling Workshops

If you want to get your network excited about fundraising, try running storytelling workshops. Stories are powerful because they tap into people’s emotions and make them feel more connected – so they’re more likely to donate.

By hosting a workshop, you can encourage people in your network to share their stories or experiences with others, potentially inspiring them to donate.

To host a workshop, invite members of your network who have been directly affected by the issue you’re fundraising for – or who have a really compelling story to tell.

Give some guidance on how to craft an effective story: think about having a strong beginning that helps capture attention, using specific examples or anecdotes, painting pictures through detailed descriptions, and creating emotional appeal.

Think about using different mediums when telling stories – like written narratives, videos, or live performance pieces.

For example, let’s say you were raising money for youth soccer programs in areas where there is not much access to sport.

You might invite someone who grew up playing football in one of these communities but ended up achieving great things on the pitch despite adversity. Their story could help communicate the power of sport and compel others to give money.

And don’t be afraid of making it as interactive as possible – role play can work well here – so too can group discussions where participants get practice at telling their tale/feedback from peers, etc.

It’s also important that participants ‘make it personal’ by incorporating elements into their tales that mean something special to them.

Collaborative Art Projects

Collaborative art projects are an outstanding tool you can use to get your network involved in individual fundraising. They let participants revel in their creativity and make a tangible contribution towards a cause, as everyone’s efforts combine to create something unique.

There are several ways of going about setting up a collaborative art project for fundraising.

One way is to ask people to donate art supplies or canvases and host an event where they paint live together. After all the individual pieces have been created, they can be put together into one big artwork that represents collective support.

Another option is to ask those taking part to create digital artwork that can then be edited or combined using online tools or software. This makes it possible for anyone anywhere – without being constrained by geography – to take part.

To add an extra level of engagement, think about how you could relate what people do back to your fundraising goal.

For example, each participant might want to raise money individually based on their involvement, perhaps asking friends and family members for donations per brushstroke through platforms such as or

By organizing collaborative art projects, you enable individuals not only to show off their skills but also connect with others interested in the same things – and actively contribute towards something they care about.

Social Media Challenges

A master rewriter can change social media challenges into an effective method for fundraising by utilizing them to engage a network in individual fundraising. They don’t just raise money when done properly but also create fun and community among participants.

A popular example is the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, which went viral in 2014.

Participants were nominated to dump a bucket of ice water over their heads, record themselves doing so, and share it on social media while nominating others to do the same – all in aid of raising awareness about amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and generating cash.

If you want your social media challenge for fundraising to be successful, start with a concept that’s engaging and aligned with your cause: anything from completing 100 push-ups over a week to posting pictures each day showing acts of kindness will work.

Create eye-catching visuals or videos explaining its purpose and rules. Use tags to take advantage of your existing networks: maybe make sure influential friends are challenged, too.

Encourage people taking part to donate or fundraise as they go using crowdfunding websites or peer-to-peer fundraising tools.

Throughout the duration of the giving challenge, regularly update supporters via different platforms about how it’s going where possible, including visual evidence.

Virtual Events

In the last few years, there's been an explosion in the popularity of virtual events, and for very good reason.

They can be a great way to engage a large audience from anywhere in the world anytime you want – but not only that, they're also great at engaging your network as individuals.

One of the advantages of virtual events is how easily accessible they are. People can take part wherever they are (probably their own home), so there's no expense or time commitment involved -so you can reach far more people than with an event that takes place in one location.

There are lots of different types of virtual events that could work well when it comes to individual fundraising. Here are three ideas:

Virtual concert: Bring together talented musicians or performers and live stream some entertainment people can watch at home. Encourage donations while people enjoy themselves, perhaps by selling tickets or something similar.

Online auction: Ask supporters to donate items or experiences, then run an online auction where people bid on them remotely. The excitement involved often drives up bids – and, therefore, funds raised – particularly if people have a chance at winning something sought-after.

Webinar/workshop: Teach attendees something new about your cause/fundraising efforts through educational sessions or workshops held online. Invite guest speakers/experts who give interesting insights into something valuable – while asking attendees for contributions, too.

When arranging this kind of event, make sure you use social media platforms cleverly to spread the word effectively once you've got all your ducks in a row content-wise.

Personalized Thank You Notes

Addressing your network personally in thank-you notes helps to engage them and create deeper connections.

Such messages let people know that their support is appreciated and valuable while also providing opportunities to show gratitude or report on the impact of gifts.

Although a generic “thank you” email may serve its purpose, individualized notes are more memorable.

Make it simple. Collect donor data as part of your fundraising efforts to facilitate this strategy: gather names, email addresses, and gift details.

After receiving payment from someone, dedicate time specifically for crafting personalized thanks: using first names in salutations can help.

What else could be included? It might be worth explaining what their money will fund – perhaps scholarships for disadvantaged students or buying books – so supporters understand how they have contributed tangibly.

Extra flourishes such as handwritten elements or small branded tokens (bumpers, stickers, pin badges) relating to causes may extend the life cycle of appreciation further.


In the world of fundraising, there is a powerful and engaging tool called gamification. Applying game elements and principles to non-gaming contexts can make your network more involved in individual fundraising efforts by adding fun, competition, and motivation.

One way to incorporate gamification is by making your fundraising campaign into a challenge or a game.

For example, you can set different levels of donation goals with corresponding rewards for each level achieved, which not only encourages participation but also ignites friendly competition among donors.

Another engaging gamification strategy is using leaderboards or progress trackers that show participants’ rankings or how close they are to reaching the overall fundraising target.

People enjoy seeing their progress – and comparing it to others – so this motivates them to contribute more.

You could also develop interactive online quizzes or trivia related to your cause. Participants get points or badges for correct answers, which provides excitement and fosters engagement.

To organize successful gamified individual fundraising, you need clear rules, goals, and incentives from the start.

You should use social media platforms plus email marketing campaigns as part of getting potential participants on board – while keeping them updated about their progress and how well (or otherwise) the main campaign is advancing.

Bottom Line

To achieve your goals, it's essential to involve your network in individual fundraising. Use these seven unique strategies to build a sense of community and inspire people to join you.

Make the most of storytelling, incentives and rewards, and collaboration. Organise gamification activities that make it fun for participants – think virtual scavenger hunts or a leaderboard challenge that encourages healthy competition among fundraisers.

By implementing these strategies, you'll not only maximize your fundraising potential but also create an impact that lasts beyond the event on your network – and cause.

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